7:25 PM

Obligatory Blog Mission Statement

Very simple. To provoke. To challenge. To offer the opinion that people are too scarred to tell you. To lead an internet audience that will go outside the box. To make the liberals more conservative and the conservatives more liberal. To b-slap political correctness. My hope is that you will be able to chew through much of my ungrammatically correctness and my run-on sentences longer than the preamble and find yourself provoked toward Jesus. A view of Jesus that doesn't see yourself damned by Him but rescued from God's wrath. A view that puts Jesus on the throne and you on your face.

The second, far less important purpose of this blog is to free my mind of clutter. I tend to process, through speaking, writing and very rarely through 'thinking'. Its pretty sweet, because God really tends to use the least qualified for doing amazing things (like a blog) so i'm excited to start this ish.
