6:12 AM

Blog Is Back In Town!!!

Blogging again. Feels good. Hope to be a little more consistent, I think I need the outlet right now. So, here goes nothing...


I feel like a crackhead sometimes
Creativity pierces skin & explodes
Inspiration rides me into the night

Beauty distracting, tweeking & refocusing me on
Itching, scratching, longing, finding

I hear this music and it, it ignites me
I can't really describe it...

A first embrace without insecurities
Juicy, ripe pears, no mess
Four Peaks with the fellas, carb less
Number 11 streaking up the field, AS the clock runs out

See, the only way to describe it is to withdraw the substance from life that supplies it

There's gotta be a part of Alanis that's thankful to Uncle Joey
TLC would have sticked to the rivers & lakes they were used to
Thom Yorke couldn't have validated millions of awkward adolescent creeps

But it's not just the lows... it the awesome & awe inspiring too

Earth, Wind & Fire in September & Summer Lovin, happenin so fast for Danny & Sandy
It's Bono's YEEEEEAAAAHH & Idol's Rebel Yell
Its a cold & its a broken hallelujah... and all the other hidden mysteries that life gives us to feel something... anything... everything.

Door busted in
Cold shower overtaking
Grip, slow released


The Paasch-inator said...

I like the way you think.