11:05 PM


Psalm 23 Rephrase

*Important to understand that this is not God’s holy scripture. This is my paraphrase.

01. The Lord is my foster parent, he takes care of everything

02. He maximizes what I’m made to do and provides the avenues for it; there are hot tubs and jacuzzi’s in my playground

03. yet, YOU refresh me and show me the good life, not so that I’d have the good life but that my good life would rep your greatness

04. even though, this good life takes me through the toughest hood, I ain’t never scared, I got my dad there; your pimp hand and glock embolden me

05. amidst the battle we live in, I’m so protected by you that you set up a bountiful picnic in the park with all the fixin’s, this is frickinridiculous!!

06. while chillin’ with you forever, goodness and lovingkindness hunt me down like a rabid pit bull.


Anonymous said...


hey Joe, what up

i like the re-write